Monday, January 3, 2011


Here I will define the model crown hair for a woman, there is a wide variety of shapes and patterns as well. For a man east she would look too prospective partner with beauty crown. According to the ancient book of Indonesia that the hair of a woman will bring a positive and negative impact to the integrity of their household.
Let us translate the models hair according to the shape and style:

Simple black = Patient, polite, good-natured

 For a man who has black hair simple, this means that women have the patience for the new properties all the trials of life as well as courteous to others and also this will be kind to each other.

Solid black = Loved people, brave

 For a woman who has a characteristic he is able to love others or the opposite sex, and he had the nerve to try and live with other people and their partners.

Black shiny = Firm, a lot of knowledge

A woman who has this hair pattern, indicating that he was able to take a clear decision that it faces as well as he has his own intellect than the others.

Black and loopy = Intelligent, his thoughts are not fixed

A person who has the beauty of this hair, he has the character and nature of a smart but evil people who have a form of hair she would not be able to have a handle on life.

Black limp = Less assertive, good-natured

People who have dark hair limp was him much less taken action against the decision, but he has the advantage for yourself to be kind to each other as well as the opposite sex.

Limp and smooth = Less minds, always sick

For those who have a pattern of hair men always think less advanced in dealing with the trials of life as well as others, and he has a less powerful physical endurance, a few will feel the pain.

Red = limp little bored, like cheating applicable

A woman with this hair pattern you have to be very careful to be couples living together, for women who have a little limp hair red is totally bored of anything and is easy to have multiple partners or virtually easy to lie to spouse (cheating).

Hard = Hard hearts, brave

The nature of the air can be seen from the hair. A person who has a hard pattern hair like this, she has a very strong-willed principles and courageous person.

Hard = Hard hearts curls, easily discouraged

A person who has curly hair Loud he has almost the same characteristics that have a Hard hair pattern, but have slight difference because a person whose hair curls easily Loud despair of what he faced.

Rarely = loud voices thoughts, Spender

For those of you who have a friend with hair pattern above, you should be a little cautious. Because this guy has such a very loud and easy to borrow materials with others because people had more than one very spendthrift nature.

Heavy = Smart trade

Blessed are those who have a spouse like hair patterns above. Because people who have hair like the above one has its smart to trade and other business types.

Virgin curly = Wise, crowded comrade

People who have hair above characteristics are very wise to be able to get along as well as the decisions taken

Well ... how do you react to it and looked at in terms of what a woman for you. I just can tell the author and share for others.